Having a dream home is a dream of every person. Not infrequently they set aside a portion of their income to be able to build the house they want. The house has many types, one of which is a minimalist home . If the home of classic and modern homes are generally dibagun diarea wide, with a spacious room and a yard wide, minimalist house simpler and utilization office tailored to the needs of its inhabitants.
The house is generally built in a residential area or in rural areas where the settlements generally have limited land. In other words, the important point is not a minimalist home is located on the extent, but more on the level of functionality and aesthetics. Therefore, it has a unique and attractive design will make people who are in this house feel comfortable.
The need for a minimalist kitchen design
In view of the kitchen is one of the most vital in our daily lives, has a kitchen that is clean and concise impress a new requirement that is now starting to be addressed. Although the kitchen is not a place that looks directly from the outside, but to impress concise and clean will make people who are didalmnya feel comfortable to linger in the kitchen, especially for those who like to be creative cuisine. Seeing the development of today's culinary industry, daput no longer domination of women, but also men. Therefore, having a unique kitchen design with a minimalist design is a matter of starting to become a priority.
Elements that must be considered in the kitchen
In designing minimalist kitchen , there are several things to consider. The first thing that should be a major concern is that there should be a kitchen furniture or furniture. Currently, memorable minimalist furniture use is increasingly popular, especially for the kitchen set. In fact, there is a deliberate kichen sets specially designed and adapted to the kitchen space. Soft furnishings or we are familiar with curtains and net curtains, the second thing that must be considered in view of cooking requires adequate ventilation.
Next is the lighting or the lighting is right, which of course will affect the level of our vision. The chandelier is usually chosen because of its safety. Because cooking would be very easy to make the room becomes dirty, it is advisable to use a floor that is easy to clean. If you choose a design that is minimalist, usually black and white will dominate the kitchen space. Congratulations to create!
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